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Bird Free Feral Pigeon Optical Gel

Strictly only for use on Feral Pigeons, Starlings and Mynah birds as per instructions

Bird Free Optical Gel in ready-to-use dishes: effective, yet discreet.

Birds see ultraviolet light so Bird Free Optical Gel appears to them as fire. Bird Free Optical Gel ready-to-use dishes are low-profile (8mm high), and quick and easy to apply.

Bird Free Optical Gel keeps feral pigeons, starlings and mynah birds off all structures without harming them. It does so by altering their behaviour, not by acting as a physical barrier. Birds will completely desert a habitat, even one they have been using for years, once Bird Free Optical Gel has been applied.

Bird Free Optical Gel deters birds from landing even when these dishes are placed behind the leading edge of a parapet or ledge. This makes the dishes of Bird Free Optical Gel invisible from ground level, preserving the aesthetic appearance of the building, while at the same time keeping it clean.

Bird Free Optical Gel is quick and easy to install. It can be used indoors or outdoors and causes no damage to buildings or structures. Because of its firm texture, Bird Free Optical Gel can also be applied vertically without running.

Bird Free Optical Gel has been installed at thousands of commercial sites worldwide. These include airports, government offices, sports stadiums, railway stations, hospitals, factories, pylons, bridges, historic buildings, and many other locations where birds had previously been a nuisance or a health hazard. Bird Free Optical Gel takes control of the bird hazard.

Especially formulated to be durable, even in the most exposed locations, Bird Free Optical Gel is not adversely affected by extremes of temperature, nor by wind, rain or snow.

Bird Free's deterrent effect on birds is long-lasting. Left undisturbed, it will remain completely effective for at least three years after proper installation, even in the most exposed environment. Most installations will remain effective for considerably longer.